My dad handed me a small blue gift bag with tissue paper sticking out of the top. He said inside was something special, something he had found for me and he figured I'd been missing it for a real long time. He had "unearthed" it in the front yard of the house I grew up in while digging out some shrubbery for a new renovation project. Inside, delicately wrapped, was this:
"It's your Fisher Price baby carriage," he said beaming from ear to ear. You would think the man had found gold! I guess in a way he did, because they just don't make Fisher Price toys like they used to! He sat and told me about how I loved to sit out on the front lawn and play for hours with my Fisher Price dollhouse, and believe it or not I do remember that thing. He figures I must have at one point flung the carriage into the bushes and with all the gardening projects over the years it ended up being buried. He cleaned it up for me, although the axles are so corroded the wheels no longer move. It IS a lost that brings back memories of when life was a lot simpler!