Saturday, July 5, 2008

Sea Vultures

Meet Bird. He shall just be called Bird simply because we never got around to appropriately naming him. He was the extra houseguest while vacationing with Mamasita and family in Jamestown. We met him upon waking up our first morning there. We sat on the couch and watched in astonishment as he suddenly appeared on the table out on the deck. He would look at us through the sliding glass door and he kept flexing his beak. It also appeared that he was staking something out. It wasn't until we went out on the deck that we noticed the evidence of Bird's wrath. You see, Mamasita had brought with her the Hibiscus plant she had purchased before leaving. It was full of blooms and she didn't want to miss seeing the blossoming of flowers. Apparantly Bird didn't want her to see them either, because out on the deck we found the aftermath of a Hibiscus feast! Mamasita was devastated. She brought the plant inside, but Bird never went away. He hung out on the deck, the railings, and most nights perched on our chimney.

It wasn't until maybe the second day that we caught on to why Bird was sticking around. The cityslicker two decks away was feeding Bird! It became painfully obvious that this man did not know the golden rule about these birds I refer to as sea vultures....


The Domesticator said...

Oh yes...I am familiar with this breed. We just returned from a beach up your way and I was shocked when my husband decided to feed these "vultures" the scraps from my daughters left over clam cakes. As soon as they swarmed, I ran away as if I didn't know him.....

Anonymous said...

Oh, thats funny. My aunt and Uncle just had a new house built and they have a stalker bird who obviously lived there before they did (likely in a tree though) and he taps and taps andtaps at their window. Your story made me think of that.